The Greater Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs are faced with unique challenges when it comes to balancing life and work. It can be very easy to let vague fears and worry drag down our moods, our health and eventually our productivity. Good mood makes you enthusiastic and focused. When you’re in bad mood, you’re stressed, depressed and unable to achieve your maximum productivity levels. There is a real connection between mood and productivity fluctuations.
Here are 10 ways to counter negative feelings and still get the job done when it seems the world is spiraling out of control:

1. Be Optimistic
Being optimistic doesn’t mean ignoring the uglier sides of life. It just means focusing on the positive as much as possible. Try imagining a positive outcome in challenging situations.
2. Be Thankful
Notice and appreciate the positives in your life. Stop and smell the roses, look at them and touch them, watch a beautiful sunrise. Do whatever you can to really soak in the beautiful aspects of your life.
3. Deny Negative Thoughts
If you want to feel positive, decrease the downers in your life. Turn off the news and find something positive to listen to.
4. Phone a Friend
Your friend gets your joke. Your co-worker offers advice. Your spouse hugs you hello. They can all help you bust stress and boost well-being.
5. Exercise
Exercise matters for your mood. Millions of people have found that it:
- decreases stress, anger and tension
- reduces anxiety and depression
- offers a greater sense of well-being
6. Help Someone Else
Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health.
7. Get Some Sleep
Sleep may seem like a waste of time. You could instead be answering e-mail, or finishing up a project. But research shows that you’re more likely to succeed at your tasks—and enjoy greater well-being—if you get some serious shuteye.
8. Eat Well
You have to eat well to function well. Among other benefits, good food can:
- boost your energy
- lower the risk of developing certain diseases
- provide fuel to your brain
- counteract the impact of stress on your body
- affect mood-related body chemicals
9. Take Care of Your Spirit
Spirituality offers many benefits, including better mood, less anxiety and depression-and even fewer aches and illnesses. People who meditate have increased activity in a “feel-good” area of the brain.
10. Talk to a Professional
If the problems in your life are stopping you from functioning well or feeling good, professional help can make a big difference. And if you’re having trouble, know that you are not alone: One in four adults in this country have a mental health problem in any given year.
Lyubomirsky, S., PhD (Ed.). (n.d.). Stay Positive. Retrieved November 13, 2016, from